Gina, a California native, embarked on her insurance career right after high school, leveraging her innate people skills and knack for learning to thrive as an insurance agent. Joining Dana's family agency Ingham, Coates, & Payne, she hit it off with Dana immediately. In efforts to avoid a conflict of interest she transitioned to C.G. Anderson & Associates and Bolton & Company, specializing in Risk Consulting for affluent families. Together, Gina and Dana became official partners in 2004 when they co-founded UWIB, a successful enterprise with over 15 employees.
Now, Gina stands as the President and owner of United Western Insurance Brokers, celebrated for its status as a woman and minority-owned enterprise. She also holds the majority ownership in UWIBRisk, Inc., located in Nashville, TN. Gina’s passions extend beyond her professional achievements. She treasures traveling and working out with Dana and finds joy in hiking, shopping, and spending time with animals. However, her number one hobby is spending quality time with their three grandchildren, two girls and a boy, which brings her immense joy. Gina and Dana share their time between Los Angeles and Nashville, contributing to making UWIB one of the leading agencies in the country.